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Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska[X]
Male (51)
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 Claimant:  Smith, Clarence K. 
 Place of Origin:  Iowa  
 Witnesses:  Abbott, William J.
Fimple, James R.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1890-07-16 
Final Certificate Date:  1896-08-15 
Approval Date:  1896-10-15 
Patented Date:  1896-11-09 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0734 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Moran, George B.
Moran, Margaret E.
 Place of Origin:  West Virginia  
 Witnesses:  Kollar, John W.
Lee, William
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1891-05-02 
Final Certificate Date:  1897-05-17 
Approval Date:  1897-07-10 
Patented Date:  1897-08-05 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0787 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Fording, David F. 
 Place of Origin:  Ohio  
 Witnesses:  Moran, Peter
Taylor, Jay R.
 Clerk:  Mach, C. J. 
Application Date:  1894-11-20 
Final Certificate Date:  1897-06-08 
Approval Date:  1908-10-29 
Patented Date:  1908-11-12 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0793 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Maninch, James 
 Place of Origin:  Pennsylvania  
 Witnesses:  Weaver, Lester B.
Mason, Frank E.
 Clerk:  Walker, F. B. 
Application Date:  1895-02-25 
Final Certificate Date:  1897-12-31 
Approval Date:  1900-07-26 
Patented Date:  1900-09-07 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0828 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Buchfinck, August 
 Place of Origin:  Russia  
 Witnesses:  Corrothers, Festus
Weis, Charles F.
 Clerk:  Walker, F. B. 
Application Date:  1893-01-10 
Final Certificate Date:  1898-01-26 
Approval Date:  1900-07-26 
Patented Date:  1900-09-07 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0830 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Weaver, Frank L. 
 Place of Origin:  Illinois  
 Witnesses:  Ham, Stephen
Maninch, James
 Clerk:  Walker, F. B. 
Application Date:  1893-05-02 
Final Certificate Date:  1898-06-28 
Approval Date:  1900-07-26 
Patented Date:  1900-09-07 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0879 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Wright, George W. 
 Place of Origin:  Illinois  
 Witnesses:  Mason, Frank E.
Maninch, James
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1892-06-04 
Final Certificate Date:  1899-05-24 
Approval Date:  1900-12-05 
Patented Date:  1901-02-20 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0953 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Fimple, Robert S. 
 Place of Origin:  West Virginia  
 Witnesses:  McAdams, Jacob W.
McAdams, Jacob
Evans, Alvin
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1893-10-31 
Final Certificate Date:  1899-05-27 
Approval Date:  1900-07-24 
Patented Date:  1900-09-07 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0956 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Wright, John W. 
 Place of Origin:  Kansas  
 Witnesses:  Mason, Frank E.
Mason, F. E.
Wright, Emmett W.
Wright, E. W.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1897-05-29 
Final Certificate Date:  1899-07-03 
Approval Date:  1901-11-16 
Patented Date:  1901-12-17 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  0967 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Middleton, Alice
Hall, Alice
 Place of Origin:  West Virginia  
 Witnesses:  Weaver, Lester B.
Sewell, George W.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1894-08-03 
Final Certificate Date:  1899-09-18 
Approval Date:  1901-11-15 
Patented Date:  1901-12-17 
Claimant gender:  Female 
Final Certificate Number:  0994 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Niemoth, Albert 
 Place of Origin:  Wisconsin  
 Witnesses:  Anderson, Andrew
Lamm, Henry
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1894-12-20 
Final Certificate Date:  1899-10-18 
Approval Date:  1900-02-23 
Patented Date:  1900-03-26 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1011 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Palmer, Margaret E. 
 Place of Origin:  Indiana  
 Witnesses:  Lee, Charles C.
Fording, David F.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1896-11-27 
Final Certificate Date:  1900-05-31 
Approval Date:  1901-01-18 
Patented Date:  1901-03-23 
Claimant gender:  Female 
Final Certificate Number:  1065 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Matthews, Frank Izear 
 Place of Origin:  Missouri  
 Witnesses:  Evans, Alven
Smith, Clarence K.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1895-08-03 
Final Certificate Date:  1900-08-23 
Approval Date:  1901-01-18 
Patented Date:  1901-03-23 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1081 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Whiton, Sylvester G. 
 Place of Origin:  Connecticut  
 Witnesses:  Sewell, George W.
Middleton, Charles W.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1894-08-31 
Final Certificate Date:  1900-08-29 
Approval Date:  1901-01-09 
Patented Date:  1901-02-20 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1082 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Moran, George B. 
 Place of Origin:  West Virginia  
 Witnesses:  Whiton, Sylvester G.
Mason, Frank E.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1896-05-04 
Final Certificate Date:  1900-09-26 
Approval Date:  1901-01-18 
Patented Date:  1901-03-23 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1086 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Taylor, Edward H. Jr. 
 Place of Origin:  Not Available  
 Witnesses:  Evans, Alven
Fimple, James R.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1895-08-10 
Final Certificate Date:  1900-10-01 
Approval Date:  1901-06-13 
Patented Date:  1901-08-01 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1089 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Evans, Alven 
 Place of Origin:  Illinois  
 Witnesses:  Taylor, Edward H. Jr.
Taylor, Edward
Fimple, James R.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1895-04-23 
Final Certificate Date:  1900-10-01 
Approval Date:  1901-05-14 
Patented Date:  1901-08-01 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1090 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Monahan, James H. 
 Place of Origin:  Iowa  
 Witnesses:  Cowles, Albro K.
Fimple, James R.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1893-10-23 
Final Certificate Date:  1900-10-10 
Approval Date:  1901-05-14 
Patented Date:  1901-08-01 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1092 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Gustafson, Albert M. 
 Place of Origin:  Nebraska  
 Witnesses:  Abbott, Christopher G.
Gentry, John M.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1895-12-14 
Final Certificate Date:  1900-12-26 
Approval Date:  1901-05-14 
Patented Date:  1901-08-01 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1107 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Claimant:  Lamm, Henry
Samm, Henry
 Place of Origin:  Wisconsin  
 Witnesses:  Corrothers, Festus
Walker, James H.
 Clerk:  C. S. M. 
Application Date:  1897-11-30 
Final Certificate Date:  1901-07-17 
Approval Date:  1901-12-21 
Patented Date:  1902-01-17 
Claimant gender:  Male 
Final Certificate Number:  1145 
 Place:  Whitman, Grant County, Nebraska 
 Similar Items:  Find
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